Hi Robin
Yes, everything depends on the economy. NZ economy is going to go into a brief recession at some stage probably late this /next year...The treasury has signaled this by hoisting the interest rate to stall inflationary non growth scenario. GPG is now not dependent on NZ conditions, except NZ investors concern with NZ$ rise effecting the shareprice in NZ$ terms. However I have invested money into GPG for my 11 yr old son as this share is a solid performer and a good long term investment.I reinvest the dividends and the constant 10% bonus shares plus small rises in the shareprice ( even with the risingNZ$) makes this a great investment. With recessionary trends next year one would expect the NZ$ to fall so looking at overseas investments will look attractive to the smart investor. I think GPG could be a great bet from now on . May is their traditional bonus issue time.
Sold my GPG last year..thinking seriously to reinvest.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Thursday, 29 January 2004 04:44:29
Subject: Re: [sharechat] re Dpc again and again by macdunk
Hi Hoop
Depends to some extent where you think the economy is going. At some point, one way or another, something has to give with the US economy. When it does, the currency situation may well be clearer than it is now, giving NZ exporters more opportunity than they have at present. One well-managed company that I suspect will be well-placed to take advantage of any upturn in exports when the numbers look better is WRI.
If you have any faith in Gibbs/GPGs ability to assist in the orchestration of a TWR turnaround, then GPG and/or TWR may be worth a look.
NOG appears to be a very popular stock for 2004 -- maybe somebody could provide more info in this context -- and has already appreciated by 10%+ in the last month or so.
Robin discl. hold WRI, TWR. no NOG.
On 28 Jan 2004, at 10:32, Richard Hooper wrote:
> HQP Thanks I will seriously look at that. > > Any others from the sharechatters??
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