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Charlie's says products to be stocked in Hong Kong

Wednesday 22nd December 2010

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Charlie's Group, the drinks company part owned by celebrity Marc Ellis, said 24 of its products will be stocked in ParknShop shops in Hong Kong on a trial basis.

The products will be trialed in around 60 stores in the next three to six months. ParknShop is Hong Kong's largest food retailer and is part of the A S Watson Group.

"ParknShop sought a meeting with us on a buying visit to New Zealand earlier in the year. We are pleased to advise they have now confirmed they will trial 24 products from across our Phoenix and Charlie's range, with a view to a more permanent ranging of the successful flavours," said Charlie's chief executive Stefan Lepionka.

Charlie's acquired the Phoenix Organics business in 2005. A contract it has with Australian retailer Coles has lifted its performance in Australia.

The company aims to place its products in the premium beverage sector.

Charlie's shares rose 1c to 19c today. The shares have not been at this level since the start of 2008.



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