why is trading unethical? ungodly?
I can't think of anything more unethical(and legal) than
my occupation... IT.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:50
Subject: [sharechat] A happy system by
The fa ta debate has gone quiet. Nothing
resolved as expected. So the question
remains what Is a good system In this continuance auction we call the
market. My little tuppence worth Is only an opinion, and don't
Intend standing on one side or the other, as I use both In my
trading. If I were A full time trader I might consider
ta as my choice with a dash of fa but not being a full time trader, and
having little Inclination to become one, I operate fa with a dash of
ta. The happy system Is to take your talents the greatest
one being common sense and devise your own system, and use fa or ta or
toss a coin. The very worst
mistake Is to allow any one to take over and make the decisions for you,
that In any field Is disastrous The reason macdunk and people
In his position will never ever become become full time
traders Is that we have usefull satisfying occupations that keep us
healthy In mind and body, and this continuous auction Is a game to be
played. What then Is wrong With being a trader and useing the magic
candle stick for untold wealth you may ask?. The answer Is simple
your god will turn against you, he or she will turn you Into a farm
animal with double chins and a belly full of snakes and when you are fat
enough you will get called to the Affco factory In the sky.
macdunk |
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