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All articles from 28 April 2000

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The Shoeshine Column: Infratil Australia takeover bid stumbles

CBA pushes for Colonial merger

Looking Ahead

Bayleys cracks $2 billion

Harcourts' fantastic plastic

Industry warned to get wired and do it fast

Investors chuffed at PFI's good dividend

Market barometer: Strange times in the markets bring even stranger comments from sharebrokers

The O'Brien Column: Companies withdraw support in the light of dirty dealings

Technically Speaking: New economy will survive its setbacks and by fits and starts

CHH gets better credit report than parent

Company Briefs

Of Bulls & Bears

More increases in official cash rate look likely for rest of year

Appointments: Grand old trustee switches on to 'sexy' image

Floats come off agenda in fast-changing free internet arena

Business backing for Anzac dollar turns up the heat

Richmond share battle lines up farmers

Banks find new ways to get closer to customers

Tax hikes prompt health software innovator to flee

Australian technology king scouts for prospects

What the country's biggest company thinks about wealth creation

The apostle of economic value

What is EVA?

New Zealand's MISSING billions

Contact's Canute act fails to stem tide

Interest high in 'Howard special' mystery bio-tech

Shareholders shortchanged

Watson turns debt-collector in a bid for share of Baycorp 'action'