KiwiSaver: How to make it work for you
By Mary Holm $9.95 plus p&p
If you are under 65 - regardless of your circumstances – you should join the new KiwiSaver savings scheme, even if you have to borrow to do so.
You'll get a kick-start of $1000 plus up to $1040 more each year. If you're an employee, your boss will also contribute. And if you don't own your home, there's a generous subsidy towards buying one.
True, your money will be tied up until NZ Super age in most cases. But there are ways to reduce that impact. That - and much more - is what this little book is about.
The government gives you the KiwiSaver rules; Mary Holm tells you what they mean for you, and how you can make the most of them.
There are so many questions:
- How should you invest?
- How much?
- Should you join if you have high-interest debt?
- Can your children join?
- What if you are self-employed? A beneficiary? Planning to leave the country?
- Who better to negotiate you through all the pros and cons than Qantas
Award winning financial writer Mary Holm, whose newspaper columns are avidly read and whose seminars are attended by thousands of New Zealanders every year? She's not selling anything but the truth.
Independently assessed by experts and impeccably researched, this is a book you can't do without. The book includes an extensive index, making it easy for you to find what matters to you.
KiwiSaver: How to make it work for you is available through the
Good Returns Bookstore ( or call 0800 345 675)
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